We are glad to let you know that we are now pleased to offer subscribers the opportunity to upgrade to a premium print+digital subscription. You do not need to make any change unless you wish to.
You will probably have noticed that Royal Mail service levels have dropped over the last twelve months, even before the CWU strikes that caused additional disruption. Ofcom reported that in the second quarter of 2022 the Royal Mail delivered just 72.6% of first class mail within one working day of collection against its target of 93%.
For this reason we are introducing a new premium print+digital subscription that will allow subscribers to opt for delivery of the newsletter by both post and email. We are also freezing the price for our digital subscription service for a further year. To cover the rising costs of printing and postage we are making a small increase in the price for the printed version of the newsletter for 2023.
Accordingly, our 2023 prices are:
One Year Two Years
Digital subscription: £299 £499
Print subscription: £339 £579
Premium (print+digital) subscription: £399 £699
For existing subscribers paying lower amounts by standing order, we will continue to honour those, and print subscribers will still be able to switch to digital on request at no extra fee. Many subscribers have done this recently. Just let us know if you would like to make a change – it is as simple as sending us a quick email to admin@mchattie.co.uk and we’ll swap you over. If you would like to upgrade to a premium subscription, the new pricing will apply.
For subscribers wishing to upgrade to a premium subscription part-way through an existing subscription, please contact us at admin@mchattie.co.uk and we will calculate the pro rata fee payable.
My thoughts are that any increase is unnecessary.
That you should offer this to your existing subscriber base for free.
That you should update your website.
Ray L Best